The Beginning
A Path Forward to Peace of Mind for Parents Concerning Language and Reading Development

All parents wish their children to succeed
overall, and especially when it comes to education.

The current environment has amplified the path to literacy with parents also taking on the role of teacher. It can sometimes feel overwhelming with the demands of:

  • your own work
  • everyday life demands
  • school reports received
  • virtual instruction of children, including technology (& access to the right technology)
  • the new added responsibility of being the teacher/educator

As a veteran educator (of students and teachers) and parent of adult children, I have the unique ability to view parenting and educating children looking forward and backward, as well as from many angles. I seek to consistently connect with families and hear their stories. This allows me to gain perspective and provide value to families. These connections shape my responses and contributions to improve the lives of families. With each conversation, a little piece of me is gladly shared with others—and this brings me great joy as an educator.

It’s all about relationships!!

Time is our most precious resource.

Over the years, the following comment is the one I heard most frequently from parents, children, and teachers alike:

“The ____(you fill in the blank) rushed me through the _______(again, you fill in the blank) and I didn’t understand. Thank you, Lori, for taking as much time as I needed to explain this to me.”

Over the course my decades-long career, I have provided the time to :

  • explain to families and teachers what they need to know in user-friendly ways.
  • help families and teachers use the time they each have most effectively.
  • provide resources to questions such as: “What do I do if I think my child is behind in school?” “What resources are available to me to help my child (struggling or not) learn to read and write?”
  • aid families and teachers to feel supported and empowered to help their children/students be successful in school. This will allow all to feel “peace of mind.”

My desire is to have parents/families end the day feeling good about their contributions to the educational and personal wellbeing of children. Let me work with and support you to guide our young people on their paths.

First Steps on the Path…
Where Do Parents Begin?

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