Dear Parents:
L to the Third Power!!!
Language, Literacy, Lori’s Take
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Parenting Begins Way Before One Becomes A Parent
Jeri Willamina, 3 months old Picture credit: me, Lori Josephson!! “PARENTING BEGINS WAY BEFORE ONE BECOMES A PARENT”-A WISE PERSON SAID THIS TO ME WHAT IS PARENTING? I thought this first blog post perhaps should begin to address the notion of ‘parenting’ itself. What does it mean to become a parent? What are the responsibilities of a parent? What does language development and literacy have to do with parenting anyway? According to the American Psychological Association, parenting practices around the world share three major goals: ensuring the health and safety of childrengetting children ready to live a…
Kids and Adults: Time to Chill Out Because Winter Solstice is Upon Us
Each year on December 21, 22, or 23, darkness envelops Earth’s Northern Hemisphere for a bit longer than normal. While what we now know to be the winter solstice has a straightforward astronomical explanation, early myths of why the solstice takes place also share insights into early civilizations’ steps into science.Science ATL Image by Tom Fisk from Pexels Why YOU Want to Know About Winter Solstice? I’m choosing to write about Winter Solstice this month because it’s important for all of us, adults and kids alike, to S…L…O…W down and pay some attention to the environment around us this…
Sharing GRATITUDE…a Timely Topic to Discuss with Families and Students
What is GRATITUDE? Gratitude is far more than being simply ‘thankful’. According to Brian Tracy, a Canadian-American motivational speaker, these are the “4 A’s of Gratitude”: Appreciation: Expressing gratitude for people and things in your life Approval: Praising and giving approval for ideas, suggestions, and reasonable effort Admiration: Complimenting people on their accomplishments and traits Attention: Listening to others with patience, thoughtfulness, and without interrupting Professor Andrea Hussong of The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, believes in the NOTICE-THINK-FEEL-DO method of practicing gratitude: Notice what you have in your life or has come into your life, no matter how small. Think about why you…
What Parents Need to Know About Literacy ‘Words’-It Can Be CONFUSING!?#@
The new school year is now pretty well underway, so many students have been screened, tested, assessed–whatever your child(ren)’s school(s) wish to call it. Getting the results, as well as the ‘plans’ for literacy instruction can be confusing–if not a bit overwhelming. You will likely receive, or have received, paperwork with these terms, as well as numbers. And it is the time of year when many schools are holding Parent-Teacher Conferences. So, let me pave the road to make these terms easier for you to understand and help your child(ren)’s teacher(s) to navigate. Read on. Image by Adii from…
October is DYSLEXIA AWARENESS MONTH…Let Me Share a Story and a Perspective
Image by Lori Josephson “Dyslexia is not contagious. I go to tutoring. I love to read, write and draw. I am a normal kid like you.” This is what one of my former students wrote and shared with me perhaps in late second grade or early third grade, but certainly once I had taught her how to write in cursive. That was likely back in the early 2000s. This statement is as true today as it was over 20 years ago. THE STORY I love telling stories. I so love telling stories that I, on more than one occasion,…
What Parents Need to Know About “New School Year’s Eve”… and The Wizard of Oz!
It’s All About YOUR Perspective… Image on Facebook by Thinking Art Are you the giraffe looking down on your primary age kiddos? You then might see the top of this model’s hat, although I doubt it very highly. Are you looking at your students from all dimensions? Are you looking at your child(ren) face to face, especially if you are a parent or teach middle school and/or high school students? Or…are you the child looking their parent or caregiver…or seeing a large school bus, an enormous school building, crowds in the halls, and what seems to be very tall…
What Parents Need to Know About ‘The Kitchen Sink Approach’ When It Comes to Literacy (Reading and Spelling) Instruction
What’s Important to Know Today’s students achieve the most important task of schooling, that is, developing skilled literacy (reading and spelling) over the course of several years. It is often said that grades Kindergarten through Grade 3 are the years students “learn to read”, with the years from Grades 4+ the years students “read to learn.” In fact, in several states, something exists called ‘The 3rd Grade Guarantee’. The idea is that students who cannot read proficiently need to either have intensive intervention and/or possibly be retained in Grade 3. As we all are aware, many students who are not…
Lori takes you through a Make It, Take It video featuring Scarborough’s Reading Rope.
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