Calling All Neurons! How Reading and Spelling Happen

Coming May 2024!

Maryanne Wolf, Ed.D.
Director, Center for Dyslexia, Diverse Learners, and Social Justice
Professor-in-Residence,  School of Education and Information Studies
University of California, Los Angeles
Academician, Pontifical Academy of Science

Author of Proust and the Squid, Reader Come Home, Tales of Literacy for the 21st Century

These are the delightful and insightful ‘neuron characters’ who take the stage to tell the story of how reading, spelling, and writing are developed over time in the human brain.

You will learn each one’s distinct roles, as well as how these specialized neurons interact at top speed to develop new neuronal connections in the brain. It all begins with oral language. Children learn about language from the moment they are born!

Images by Jamie Sale Copyright 2024 Lori Josephson

The language neuron works with all of the other neurons to make literacy “happen”! From left to right, you will meet the golden “Use Your Noodle” neuron who serves to maintain attention and task completion (Executive Function Neuron), the purple motor neuron, the red language neuron, the blue visual neuron, and the green auditory neurons. The neurons are color coded to help readers identify the locations in the human brain where all the work gets done to make literacy “happen”!

Here is a sample of some of the color coding demonstrating how the auditory, visual, and language neurons integrate and over time, become more efficient, as the new readers become more skilled.

Paperback and ebook format of

Calling All Neurons! How Reading and Spelling Happen

The book will be available for purchase right here in hardcover, paperback, and ebook. Please check back in at the end of May 2024! Thank you for your interest!

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