Dear Parents:
L to the Third Power!!!
Language, Literacy, Lori’s Take
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Parenting Begins Way Before One Becomes A Parent
Jeri Willamina, 3 months old Picture credit: me, Lori Josephson!! “PARENTING BEGINS WAY BEFORE ONE BECOMES A PARENT”-A WISE PERSON SAID THIS TO ME WHAT IS PARENTING? I thought this first blog post perhaps should begin to address the notion of ‘parenting’ itself. What does it mean to become a parent? What are the responsibilities of a parent? What does language development and literacy have to do with parenting anyway? According to the American Psychological Association, parenting practices around the world share three major goals: ensuring the health and safety of childrengetting children ready to live a…
What Do Parents Need to Know About “Summer Slide”–AKA ‘Learning Loss’?
What is “Summer Slide”? Have you ever even heard of this term before?? I just finished a Zoom meeting with a gal who has three adult children and nine grands–I asked her if she had ever heard of the term….guess what, she had not! So you are not alone. According to Scholastic, a whopping 48% of parents (who have children ages 6-17) have heard of “Summer Slide”. Image from Pexels Should you worry if your child takes the entire time ‘off’ during the months of June, July, and August? Short Answer: There is no short answer! A Little…
WRITING IS LEARNING! “Trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit.” ~Molière
While my intent is to help my readers learn, let me share what I have learned along the way in the long and winding road leading to a book’s publication. Getting a book into the hands of the intended audiences turned out to be far harder than I could ever have imagined. Writing the manuscript was the easy part. I’ve had the concept of this book in my head for quite a long time, in fact, over 20 years! I hope the book entitled Calling All Neurons! will eventually be in your hands and the concepts explained in it…
My Book About How Kids’ Brains Learn to Read and Spell Is About To Be Published! Be One of the First to Get YOUR Copy!!
WHEN? My new book entitled Calling All Neurons! How Reading and Spelling Happen will be published at the end of May, which coincides with the end of the school year. Timing of the publication is perfect for several reasons including: the opportunity for families and/or caregivers to spend more time with their children—hopefully, they will have time to read this book themselves and then share the book with their children as the intensity of ‘the school schedule’ will be ‘paused’. the notion that teachers will have more time to read this book (teachers, too, can press the ‘pause’ button)…
Does Your Child(ren) or Student(s) Struggle With Reading? I’m So Passionate About Helping Kids Learn To Read and Spell, I Wrote A Book!
WHY DO I SUGGEST STUDENTS UNDERSTAND THE READING/SPELLING/WRITING BRAIN PROCESSES? Let’s talk about this phrase: “Knowledge is POWER.” Don’t you agree? The more students of any age know abour how a task is accomplished, it’s got to have a positive outcome. Children and parents alike are often confused and upset when things aren’t going well for the kids at school. If you or anyone you know has experienced struggles related to mastering the written word, you can relate. Many of the struggling students I’ve had the privilege of teaching have told me of the trauma school days engendered for…
Do YOU Worry About (Your) Kids (or Adults!) Who Struggle with Reading and Writing? I Worry Too, So I Called Upon Some Neurons!
My first book Calling All Neurons! How Reading and Spelling Happen will be published this spring! You will be able to find it on Amazon and all your favorite online book retailers too. SO I WROTE THIS BOOK…WHY? Well…. It is my belief that all children have the right to be taught literacy skillls. According to literacy gurus, 95% of all human beings have the capability to learn to read and write (may not be at the high school or college level, but certainly learn to read and write at a basic level). Sadly, that is not the case, as…
“I Was Feeling Guilty as a Parent!” 2024 is THE YEAR to Educate Yourself to Support Your Child(ren)
A few months ago, I had occasion to correspond and speak with Lisa Hanifan, who by her own admission, was an “angry teacher” and a mom who later “felt guilty as a parent.” You see, Ms. Hanifan didn’t know what she didn’t know. My colleague, Lisa, has NOTHING to feel guilty about—neither as a teacher nor a parent. I ‘met’ her after a totally on-line conversation as part of the Facebook Group Science of Reading. We later had a nice conversation by phone. Ms. Hanifan’s experience more than validates the notion that ‘change is possible and change is good’. …
Lori takes you through a Make It, Take It video featuring Scarborough’s Reading Rope.
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